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events with ramaji & ananda

the global rasa  leaders


  Our Zoom Satsangs 2023  



March 30 Satsang 2024.PNG

Hi Beautiful Spiritual Friends,


Please join us Saturday March 30 at 11am PST for a great Satsang!

This month we are going to discuss the positive transformational energies available in our world today. So many students are aware of the horrors taking place around the world. The wars, the genocide in Gaza, the overall corruption in our governments and the list goes on and on.

For sensitive spiritual souls the magnitude of this negativity is extremely hard to deal with. Please understand that these energies that are expanding our awareness of the multitude of issues are also providing humanity with an exceptional opportunity.

Our soul’s purpose on Earth is to develop and grow. The development of compassion, empathy and mercy are not natural in many people. These high qualities are what humanity is here to expand and nurture. The soul and these qualities must be cultivated. It does not happen by accident or chance.

These qualities boil down in essence to being able to give love and receive love. The universal message of all religions is that we treat our neighbor as we ourselves would like to be treated. Yet we look at world events and we see that most are not practicing this teaching even though it is in their religion.

In order to cultivate and grow our souls, we must understand how to work with pain and suffering. Friends, by being at this time on the Earth we are being given an extraordinary chance to evolve. It is not easy, but we find that deep down we do know how to transform the dark lead of pain and suffering into the shining gold of sublime spiritual joy and soul wholeness. 

The global increase of information is expanding our awareness of what is wrong as well as what is beautiful and right. The darkness seems to be growing because it is being exposed more and more. Even so, we can learn to transform darkness into light and be nourished by the light.

We all need to transform consciously during these difficult times. We need to work hard to develop our empathic skills, cultivate an open heart and live everyday in love as best we can. 

Join us so we can all discuss these themes and the opportunities they represent. Our group energy will help to inject optimism as we share, care and send love into our universe together!

As always we welcome a Q& A Chat as we finish up. We will conclude with Group RASA, of course.

See you soon. We can’t wait.

Love, Light & Blessings!          

Ramaji & Ananda

NOTE: We encourage questions via live Chat Box during this event.​ We will be giving a Zoom Satsang on the last Saturday of selected months in 2024 (To Be Announced... Make sure you are subscribed to our Newsletter).


We are very excited to see you all at Satsang this month! It is important to consciously unify in love.

PLEASE SHARE OUR EMAILS AND NEWSLETTERS with as many people as you can. See you soon at Satsang!

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If you would like to know about our alternative health suggestions, please visit the web page below on our website. note: we are not doctors. we do not give medical advice. as your friends we are simply sharing what we are doing in our own lives. these ideas are for informational and entertainment purposes only! here is the web page:

Legal Disclaimer
None of the information on our web site has been evaluated by the FDA. The owners of this site make no claim that any of the products referred to here will cure, prevent, diagnose, treat, or in any way mitigate any condition or disease.  Only a licensed physician is qualified to do this.  If you suspect you may have a disease or condition, you should consult a qualified physician. You should not rely solely on information you find on this website.  We encourage each individual to educate themselves and do their own research. We provide this information to you for educational and entertainment purposes only. Should you choose to research, investigate or apply any of this information, you do so totally at your own risk.


ALL DAY EVENT Munich may 18 2019


  (1) Evening Satsang in Klagenfurt, May 15, 2019, 6-9.30 pm

​  (2) Full Day Retreat in Munich, May 18, 2019, 10 am - 6 pm 

​  (3) Individual sessions near Vienna in Gumpoldskirchen. May 20, 2019

Thank You For Attending Our May 18, 2019 All Day Satsang Event in Munich. You Made It Very Special!
Thank You Deva Dinesa For This Photo of Ananda Devi's Birthday Party After the All Day Munich Event!
At the Top of The Pyramidenkogel
Observation Tower, Klagenfurt, Austria 
For Womens Group Web Events Page.JPG

  Our Zoom Satsangs 2020  

Our upcoming May 2020 Zoom Satsang is on Saturday May 30 at 11 am San Diego time. This month our theme is "Take the Red Pill... + Emotional Freedom!" We will also talk about how to creatively and constructively respond as we and the world begin to gradually reopen.

What does "take the red pill" mean?!

Well, here we are in our worlds most confusing and unsettling time together. Each of us is dealing with our reality being re shown to us in a strange, often dark and colorless way. We are being called to notice and absorb all the chaos that exists in just about every area of our lives. We can no longer turn away from various truths. We are all locked inside, confused and our media is versed at giving us information which is at best confusing and at worst a complete fabrication of any common sense. Our entire economy has been shut down. We, the people have no idea what is really going on or why!

This May our Satsang is also focused on morality and how to achieve emotional freedom. What does it mean to be authentic, real and spontaneous with your emotions? How do we express ourselves? How are we connecting with others? How do our attitudes manifest in the world?

How can we as individuals become vehicles of change, love, spiritual wisdom and truth in an authentic embodied way?

To move forward during these times is harder than usual. Yet the clarity we have now in various areas is almost surreal. The fantasy has ended! The red pill is being forced down our throats. We are excited to see you all at this month's Satsang!

We encourage questions via live Chat Box during this event.

Please use the payment button below and sign up! Please sign up early.

Please don't wait until the last minute e.g., Saturday morning, to pay for the event. We will be giving a Zoom satsang on the last Saturday of most months in 2020. THE ZOOM LINK WILL BE EMAILED TO YOUR PAYPAL EMAIL FRIDAY MAY 29TH. THERE WILL BE A RECORDING MADE AVAILABLE TO ALL WHO PAID TO ATTEND THIS SATSANG.

Red Pill May 2020.jpg

Our upcoming May 2020 Zoom Satsang is on Saturday May 30 at 11 am San Diego time. This month our theme is "Take the Red Pill... + Emotional Freedom!" We will also talk about how to creatively and constructively respond as we and the world begin to gradually reopen.

What does "take the red pill" mean?!

Well, here we are in our worlds most confusing and unsettling time together. Each of us is dealing with our reality being re shown to us in a strange, often dark and colorless way. We are being called to notice and absorb all the chaos that exists in just about every area of our lives. We can no longer turn away from various truths. We are all locked inside, confused and our media is versed at giving us information which is at best confusing and at worst a complete fabrication of any common sense. Our entire economy has been shut down. We, the people have no idea what is really going on or why!

This May our Satsang is also focused on morality and how to achieve emotional freedom. What does it mean to be authentic, real and spontaneous with your emotions? How do we express ourselves? How are we connecting with others? How do our attitudes manifest in the world?

How can we as individuals become vehicles of change, love, spiritual wisdom and truth in an authentic embodied way?

To move forward during these times is harder than usual. Yet the clarity we have now in various areas is almost surreal. The fantasy has ended! The red pill is being forced down our throats. We are excited to see you all at this month's Satsang!

Our upcoming April 2020 Satsang is on Saturday, April 25 at 11 am San Diego time. This month our main theme is "Facing Fear, Finding Love... No Escape From NOW... This Is IT!" Plus we will explore a variety of creative ways you can make the best use of your current "Lockdown Lifestyle" (courtesy of Covid-19). We realized that we have not talked about FACING FEAR very often. This certainly seems like the time for that discussion. How do we handle fear? If we are feeling fear, is that okay? How can we stay on track even then? What works and brings us back to love? How do we practically apply the non-dual Big Self/True Self perspective under the contemporary crisis conditions? "No Escape... This Is IT!" has been our message ever since we began teaching. This satsang we are going to look at the deep practical applications of this revolutionary unblinking "eyes wide open" understanding. How can you apply it to current events and your states of mind? How can you use it to face fear, anxiety, worry, doubt, uncertainty and, yes, the possibility of death? These are all brought to the surface and intensified due to the Coronavirus pandemic. ​Our approach is positive and earthy. We will talk about "How do you build your life on ROCK? Not on quicksand?" We have no interest in spiritual bypassing. Whatever is REAL has to be REAL right now. If it is REAL, then it can and will function as a profoundly reliable deep and abiding support for you in your good, bad, beautiful, ugly, painful, ecstatic and crazy times. ​"No Escape from NOW!" means look around -- you cannot get away from this virus crisis! "This Is It" means NOW!" Yet... in fact... each and every day... we were and have always been living in a "crisis"... the crisis of death. The Buddha said "Approach your spiritual awakening with the intensity you would feel if your hair was on fire." If that applies to "normal ordinary" times... then how much more does it apply to crazy weird strange bizarre shocking times like these?! In our March 2020 satsang we talked about meditation as the key ingredient of our "stay at home" or "shelter in place" recommendation. But in this April 2020 satsang we want to go much further. We truly see this time spent at home as a golden opportunity in many inspiring ways. We hope you will join us so that we can share our insights and ideas with you!



If you would like to know about our alternative health suggestions, please visit the web page below on our website. note: we are not doctors. we do not give medical advice. as your friends we are simply sharing what we are doing in our own lives. these ideas are for informational and entertainment purposes only! here is the web page:

Legal Disclaimer
None of the information on our web site has been evaluated by the FDA. The owners of this site make no claim that any of the products referred to here will cure, prevent, diagnose, treat, or in any way mitigate any condition or disease.  Only a licensed physician is qualified to do this.  If you suspect you may have a disease or condition, you should consult a qualified physician. You should not rely solely on information you find on this website.  We encourage each individual to educate themselves and do their own research. We provide this information to you for educational and entertainment purposes only. Should you choose to research, investigate or apply any of this information, you do so totally at your own risk.


ALL DAY EVENT Munich may 18 2019


  (1) Evening Satsang in Klagenfurt, May 15, 2019, 6-9.30 pm

​  (2) Full Day Retreat in Munich, May 18, 2019, 10 am - 6 pm 

​  (3) Individual sessions near Vienna in Gumpoldskirchen. May 20, 2019

Thank You For Attending Our May 18, 2019 All Day Satsang Event in Munich. You Made It Very Special!
Thank You Deva Dinesa For This Photo of Ananda Devi's Birthday Party After the All Day Munich Event!
At the Top of The Pyramidenkogel
Observation Tower, Klagenfurt, Austria 
For Womens Group Web Events Page.JPG
June 27 2020 Satsang CollManif.jpg

Our upcoming June 2020 Zoom Satsang is on Saturday June 27 at 11 am San Diego time. This month our theme is "Collective Manifestation in Times of Chaos." Please join us on June 27, 2020 at 11 am PDT!

Our new online Satsang will be focused on conscious manifestation during unsettling times! Never before have our collective thoughts and feelings mattered as much!  Never before has our Level of Consciousness mattered so much! These planetary and invisible energies are pulling us and pushing us around whether we choose to be aware of them or not. We will talk about recent chaotic events, what we see is really going on and how to consciously work with these energies and events. 


Awareness is key. To know what is required for peaceful pleasant and harmonic manifestation is sorely needed in today's confusing world. Getting lost in negativity is not the answer. Being numb and indifferent is not the answer. Remaining Self absorbed & detached won’t help anyone either. The key is balance, caring, love and determination to overcome and become agents of harmony, peace and joyous change. The time to get REAL is NOW!


We will also talk about our new Heart Center mission to teach people how to open the heart and always keep it open as the best antidote to global technology-induced indifference. Human beings are now at the crossroads. This crisis is at the same time a golden opportunity to spiritually awaken and deepen your peace, joy and love.

This is an important Satsang, dear friends! Please join us, tell your friends and let’s DO this together! Please sign up soon. Please do not leave your sign up to the last minute. We love you and we can’t wait to see you!

We encourage questions via live Chat Box during this event.

Please use the payment button below and sign up! Please sign up early.

Please don't wait until the last minute e.g., Saturday morning, to pay for the event. We will be giving a Zoom satsang on the last Saturday of most months in 2020. THE ZOOM LINK WILL BE EMAILED TO YOUR PAYPAL EMAIL FRIDAY NIGHT JUNE 26TH. THERE WILL BE A RECORDING MADE AVAILABLE TO ALL WHO PAID TO ATTEND THIS SATSANG VIA EMAIL A WEEK AFTER THE JUNE 27TH EVENT.

Red Pill May 2020.jpg

Our upcoming May 2020 Zoom Satsang is on Saturday May 30 at 11 am San Diego time. This month our theme is "Take the Red Pill... + Emotional Freedom!" We will also talk about how to creatively and constructively respond as we and the world begin to gradually reopen.

What does "take the red pill" mean?!

Well, here we are in our worlds most confusing and unsettling time together. Each of us is dealing with our reality being re shown to us in a strange, often dark and colorless way. We are being called to notice and absorb all the chaos that exists in just about every area of our lives. We can no longer turn away from various truths. We are all locked inside, confused and our media is versed at giving us information which is at best confusing and at worst a complete fabrication of any common sense. Our entire economy has been shut down. We, the people have no idea what is really going on or why!

This May our Satsang is also focused on morality and how to achieve emotional freedom. What does it mean to be authentic, real and spontaneous with your emotions? How do we express ourselves? How are we connecting with others? How do our attitudes manifest in the world?

How can we as individuals become vehicles of change, love, spiritual wisdom and truth in an authentic embodied way?

To move forward during these times is harder than usual. Yet the clarity we have now in various areas is almost surreal. The fantasy has ended! The red pill is being forced down our throats. We are excited to see you all at this month's Satsang!


Free Will March 28 2020.jpg

Our March 2020 Satsang was on Saturday, March 28 at 11 am San Diego time. This month our main theme is FREE WILL!

This confusing subject and its resolution will be discussed at length. There are many misconceptions and misunderstandings in non-dual circles, mainstream religion and new age spirituality. We feel that this confusion can be easily clarified with the right information.
We will address the misleading teaching from many non-duality teachers that “There is nothing you can do.” Ultimately “choice” and “action” have their place in conjunction with a higher and much more powerful form of “Will” which is in effortless harmony with the Unity.

We will also talk about the Coronavirus (Covid-19) and our personal and community responsibilities. Why is this happening at this crucial time in our planetary evolution? We will also share information about alternative medicine treatments that may boost your immune system and prevent contracting the Coronavirus or help you recover more quickly if you do.

Disclaimer: We are simply passing on information to you as educators. We are not doctors! We feel you should have this knowledge in case you wish to experiment with these options.

We will also share a few healing suggestions from the ancients as well as healing meditations that anyone can do alone or with groups online.

In Our Online Store

Our next online Zoom Satsang will be Saturday February 29, 2020 at 11 am PST. The topic is "Maya and Karma Explained." Our goal is to present an in-depth highly useful understanding of maya and karma and eliminate the many disempowering ideas related to them. These two topics are confusing in many student's minds. 


We have explored various methods and programs to best utilize these concepts in everyday life. Our work is to clarify all the misconceptions!  We want to help you in practical ways in order to remain grounded and crystal clear with regard to these ancient yet incredible useful and meaningful ancient teachings.

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Our next online Zoom Satsang will be Saturday January 25, 2020 at 11 am PST. The topic is "Golden Age Prophecies and Conscious Navigation of the New Global Energies for 2020." We will share our perspective on the global awakening based on the latest knowledge we have access to including historically dramatic astrological cycles and influences, sensitivity to mass consciousness trends, predictions by Kali Ma, and Golden Age prophecies based on the Great Pyramid Timeline, Hopi, Toltec, Edgar Cayce, Pleaidian, Nostradamus, Malachi, Fatima and ET contact revelations. This month's theme will be to go over the powerful energies that are influencing (and confusing!) us both individually and collectively. By understanding how these energies work on us and our world we can discover how best to navigate through these very transformative times. We are ending a universal cycle right now. The impact on us all will be significant and our choices and attitudes will make a much bigger impact. Please join us.

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Our next online Zoom Satsang will be Saturday November 30th at 11 am PST. The topic is "End of Year Fun Celebration Satsang!" We want to use this fabulous opportunity to celebrate the end of 2019 and inject joy, blessings and unconditional love into 2020 together with each of you! Please bring your cup of coffee, water, juice or a glass of wine/ Vodka or some other fun liquid and join us and toast with us!  We encourage questions via live Chat Box during this event. We may open it up for live dialog. Please don't wait until the last minute e.g., Saturday morning, to pay for the event. This is our last satsang in 2019.


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Our next online Zoom Satsang will be Saturday November 30th at 11 am PST. The topic is "End of Year Fun Celebration Satsang!"Top 10 Themes of Non-Duality" based on Ananda's new book Intimacy with the Infinite. You do not need to own the book or have read it although we encourage that. We're not pitching her book. We're using it to cover lots of non-dual territory quickly and stimulate insights and robust discussion. We encourage questions via live Chat Box during this event. Please don't wait until the last minute e.g., Saturday morning, to pay for the event.


July 2019 QA + Pre & Post Fallacies.jpg
We haven't done a  Q&A satsang in a long time... Plus we are bursting at the seams to talk about PRE-AWAKENING & POST-AWAKENING FALLACIES! We see them all the time with students even now. So that will be the subject of our Dharma Talk. Plus you can ask anything you want via Zoom Chat Box. Please don't wait until the last minute to pay for the event. THE ZOOM LINK WILL BE EMAILED TO YOUR PAYPAL EMAIL ON FRIDAY JULY 26. THERE WILL BE A RECORDING MADE AVAILABLE TO ALL WHO PAID IN ADVANCE.
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The June 29, 2019 online Zoom satsang "archonic influence" has been cancelled. We have decided to do a writing retreat at that time and work on our new book instead. Please be on the lookout  for our next satsang which will be on the last Saturday of July, July 27th. We will announce the theme in July. Thank you!
Have you ever wondered why the world is the way it is? Why there is so much conflict, selfishness and ignorance? If something feels wrong or off to you, you're not alone! Why do we feel this way? Mankind seems incapable of evolving past fragmented outdated distortions. We found ancient answers to these age-old questions. Prepare to be shocked... and to finally understand what is really going on and why!
please allow 2 hours for each special theme satsang event including the rasa  at the end. EACH SATSANG IS $25 per person. PLEASE PAY WELL IN ADVANCE. if you pay the same day we cannot guarantee your spot in the live event. there will be a replay. 
important: our email may end up in your social or promotions folder. please be sure to check there for our email with your link if you don't see it in your primary email folder.
LEGAL NOTICE: THESE SATSANGS WILL BE RECORDED FOr FUTURE USE. please use the chat box to write and ask your question anonymously. otherwise your voice or image may be recorded.
Understand Shadow April 27 Final.jpg
Next to awakening itself, shadow work is the most important work you will ever do. It is the secret to post-1000 integration and unfolding. Many people do not get the full benefit of their awakening because  they do not understand the importance of this work. This quote from Carl Jung expresses our point eloquently: “One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious.”
March 2019 Satsang Planetary
Have you ever wondered why the days of the week are named after the planets? SATURNday is followed by SUNday which is followed by MOONday!
This amazing secret is hiding in plain sight! Welcome to a powerful new way of experiencing and working with your thoughts, feelings, body, relationships and life events. It is ancient wisdom knowledge that the planets (planetary gods) have an enormous influence on our moment to moment experience of life. While this study is called "astrology," we will not be approaching these potent universal forces in the usual way. We will show you how to use your knowledge of planetary energies to understand and transform negative energies and enhance your benefit from positive energies. Timing is everything. It is quite eye opening to see the power of the planets at work in your life in this no nonsense practical way. We will teach you the "yoga" of working with planetary energies! We will make our advice useful and down to earth. We will share the exact way that we use astrological timing and planetary energy knowledge to make our lives work better. We will also explore with you the mind-blowing study of "astrotheology." The foundations of religion and spiritual science are shown to be radically different from what you were taught. This knowledge is profoundly liberating. You will break free of major limiting beliefs that you did not even know you had. This is a revolutionary study! Please join us Saturday March 30, 2019 at 11 am San Diego time.


The Love Satsang Feb 2019.jpg

The theme is LOVE... We will be discussing all the various types of love.  How to access these frequencies and what to expect along the way. Our "Love Without Limit" satsang is going to cover the full spectrum of love, life and relationships including what awakening and post-awakening is really about. For the first time we will describe the process of and methods for ever deepening and expanding into love as the supreme realization which has no limits. We will give tools to help activate your chakras. We will discuss empathy and the perceived obstacles in the way of love, including the shadow and the projection. Included will be the little-known secret of the Back Heart Chakra for easily accessing unlimited unconditional love. It is going to be a fantastic and fun Satsang in the spirit of St. Valentine's Day. This event will be on Saturday, February 23, 2019 at 11 am San Diego time.

Jan 26 2019 Satsang Global Awakening.jpg

ramaji & ananda devi group rasa events

with the leaders of rasa...

all special theme satsangs recordings are available in our online store on this website. please note that we did not give a satsang in September, 2018.
Sat Dec 1 Giving & Receiving - Updated.j

Our next Satsang is on Saturday December 1 at 11 am PDT! Due to the holidays, this will be the last Satsang we give this year.


This Satsang is a special one. To describe it in the simplest possible terms, we will be doing our best to present the Law of Attraction on steroids in harmony with non-dual understanding.


We hope to deliver fresh new life-changing pointers that will bring joy and abundance to your life this holiday season. This new content will NOT be a rehash of the Law of Attraction satsang we did before. This is NEW material!


We will talk about the universal laws of giving and receiving that are misunderstood by many. We will do our best to simplify this understanding and make it as practical as possible. We expect this knowledge will help any student whatever their LOC to tap into the benevolent cosmic flow that exists always at every moment for all of us. The trick of course is knowing how to tap into it. This is what we hope to convey to you. The holidays are about living abundantly and sharing love and peace with family and the world. In order to do so to the fullest, the laws of manifestation must be understood.


The Law of Attraction is rarely presented from a non-dual perspective. The purity of awakening lends itself to these understandings eventually. But the process can be enormously speeded up and made simple and enjoyable with the solid experience-based pointers we will be sharing. For this event, there will be Q&A at the end.

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The theme for the saturday august 25 satsang was "what prevents your awakening? secrets from the enneagram."


what prevents your awakening - secrets o

Ramaji & Ananda Devi both use the Enneagream when coaching students. Their experience is that the Enneagram is more than just a psychological typing system. What they have found is that by knowing and understanding your Enneagram type you open the door to discovering exactly what you are doing to avoid your awakening.


This deeper dimension of the Enneagram is rarely taught. You will find only hints in the books on even though there are dozens. The insights that we will share were gained in the field working with students to bring about their awakening. This unique knowledge also has the power to transform and integrate at the life level. Living in the natural state includes living your unique nature according to the Enneagram.

each monthly satsang will focus on a specific topic that has proven to be very important to our students. for example, the first saturday satsang in the series will focus on kundalini.
each satsang HAS a unique theme and topic THAT we focus on. please join our mailing list. we will announce the topic for the next satsang via email. you can also check back here.
please allow up to 2 hours for each satsang including the rasa at the end. EACH SATSANG EVENT IS $25 per person. PLEASE PAY IN ADVANCE. if you pay the same day you may not get in.
important: our email may end up in your social or promotions folder. please be sure to check there for our email with your link if you don't see it in your primary email folder! thanks!
THESE SATSANGS WILL BE RECORDED FOR POSSIBLE FUTURE USE INCLUDING IF SOMEBODY PAID FOR AN EVENT BUT COULD NOT ATTEND. please note that if you ask a verbal question your voice and your name will get recorded. we will keep the camera with us in the spotlight so only we get video recorded. but your voice will be recorded if you ask a question. if you don't want that, then please use the chat box to write and ask your question anonymously DURING THE SATSANG. thanks!
HOW TO Contact US

5385 Camino Santander

San Diego, CA 92130

​​Tel: 619-600-0125

s​atsangwithananda AT gmail DOT COM

satsangwithramaji AT gmail DOT COM

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Email *



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By using this website, you agree to our use of cookies in accordance with our privacy policy.

TYPICAL RESULTS AND DISCLAIMER: The testimonials on this site are from real people. Your results may vary. The individuals who get the best results are typically at what we call "end of seeking." This means they are fully and totally available to receive the RASAtm spiritual transmission. Rasa Transmission International, Inc., Ramaji and Ananda Devi cannot and do not make any guarantees about your ability to get results from the RASAtm spiritual transmission. Nothing on this page or on our website is a promise or guarantee of results or benefits of any kind. We do not offer any legal, medical, psychological or other professional advice. For any such advice or help we recommend that you contact a licensed professional. Thank you for visiting. We wish you great success on your spiritual path!

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