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 book your session with    ananda devi or ramaji 

rasa informed consent/legal disclaimer


I understand that RASA is a gentle spiritual transmission for the purpose of rapidly accelerating my spiritual awakening and enlightenment. I understand that certified RASA givers do not diagnose conditions nor do they prescribe or perform medical treatment, prescribe substances or interfere with the treatment of a licensed medical or psychiatric professional. I understand that the RASA spiritual transmission and the spiritual life coaching that I will receive do not take the place of medical or psychological care. I understand that it is recommended that I see a licensed physician or licensed health care professional for any physical or psychological ailment I may have.


I understand that RASA is delivered exclusively online via Skype or Zoom. I understand that no physical contact is involved at any time. I understand that multiple RASA transmission sessions may be required for me to reach LOC 1000 (Self-Realization).


Having read, completed and understood the foregoing, I request to receive the RASA spiritual transmission. I understand that you are giving me a RASA spiritual transmission at my request and that you are not responsible for the outcome of the RASA session. I agree to hold Ramaji, Ananda Devi and RASA Transmission International, Inc. and any other certified RASA giver that I may work with harmless for any intended or unintended result. I hereby acknowledge and affirm my understanding and agreement with the above.




ananda devi

full live online rasa session


Ananda Devi is the author of the powerful spiritual autobiography Intimacy with the Infinite. Her boldly loving down to earth Zen-like approach is refreshing. She emanates unconditional love and radiates a powerful highly effective Shakti energy that many strongly feel. She has a talent for strategically busting and dissolving the intellectual and conceptual traps that many fall prey to in their seeking as they read books and listen to non-dual spiritual teachers.She is delightfully alive and engaging. She is a totally authentic spiritual iconoclast. One of her awakened students said of her "You teach by fully embodying the teaching. You are the teaching!" Ramaji says "Ananda Devi wakes people up faster than anyone else!"


NOTE: ANANDA USES ZOOM. SHE WILL SEND YOU HER ZOOM LINK. She will contact you via your PayPal email to set up your session. Scheduling is approximately two weeks ahead.

250 usd

returning student rasa SESSIONS


After one or more full live sessions along with approval of the teacher, the student can start receiving RASA in 60 minute online mini sessions that consist of up to 45 minutes of talking followed by the 15 minute RASA spiritual transmission in silence. Since these sessions are take roughly half as long as a regular session, you are getting TWO sessions for about the same price as one full session.

350 usd

BRAND NEW! "spiritual life coach" training 

One of the best ways to integrate post-1000 is to help other people... and one of the best ways to help other people is to teach them how be more conscious, have more clarity, open their hearts, improve their relationships, master daily life and, of course, work deeply with their Enneagram type! If you are post-1000 now you can begin this Spiritual Life Coach Training with me right away. It is one year in length (12 months). This is the SAME training that Certified RASA Givers get. I give my all in these trainings and I hold nothing back. At the end of this training you will have the option of becoming a RASA Giver if you want -- but you don't have to! Please click the button below to get the full details on how to get trained by me to become a profoundly effective highly successful online "Spiritual Life Coach"!

conscious relationships, soul mates & twin flames

These sessions are for couples or individuals who want to expand, deepen and vastly improve their relationships. This includes men and women who are looking for a conscious loving partner. The path of relationship can be incredibly rewarding when you are ready for it. Ananda is very familiar with the Twin Flame and Soul Mate love paths. Her existential life experience with her Twin Flame partner Ramaji has inspired her and motivated her to help couples or individuals who are eager to expand their capacity to love, understand and truly BE together. She uses a wide variety of practical tools, open heart-centered communication, the Enneagram and Tantra to help in every way possible. These sessions are fun and casual yet profoundly meaningful and life-changing. Ananda is known for getting to the bottom of things quickly! Her warmth,  compassion and enthusiasm will greatly accelerate your heart opening. This fusion of love of Self and love of other reaps rewards beyond what you can imagine!

250 usd

post-1000 student coaching

I specialize in helping post-1000 students (posties) to integrate and begin to truly LIVE their full awakened SELF. Your post-1000 session includes receiving the unique Post-1000 RASA which supports your integration and smooth adjustment. In our model of being at 1000, we use the term: being finished! The seeking is over. The seeker has dissolved! NOW WHAT?

Many of our post -1000 students have a relatively easy unfoldment. However, for some familiar old psychological momentums take some time to get dissolved. In the Zen tradition complete integration is said to take up to 7 years.


In our experience as well as with many of our students who have worked with us during their unique existential experiences, we feel it takes between 6 months to one year. The energy blockages, the purification, the understanding absorbs into ones being. Life is then totally spontaneous.

We believe in total living!  Being yourself in ever way. Living a fulfilled, limitless life. Anything else is a compromise! There is a brilliant spiritual expression, "the stink of enlightenment." This expression is a pointer to where many seem to get very stuck in their awakened concepts and ideas. It also is the area which best indicates where that old momentum is playing itself out! Many post-1000 students are STILL addicted to their spiritual persona! It is the never ending need to be heard, repeat past teachings and dramatize their spiritual knowledge. Until one is able to recognize that even the word “ spiritual” is yet another concept... often doing more to separate than unify, your post-1000 journey and process is not complete!

Ultimately, we are ALL THAT! There is no hierarchy. This universal force that we are all a part of knows precisely what it is doing. When we choose to abide in and as this flow, it will prove itself as itself over and over again. There are no limits to the LOVE this energy is made of nor the force and magnitude of this LOVE ITSELF which is YOU! YOU ARE THAT!

250 usd



full live online rasa  session


Ramaji is the author of 1000, No Mind No Problem and six other popular non-duality books. He is the founder of the RASA   spiritual transmission. He draws upon his knowledge of many spiritual traditions plus his many years as a spiritual therapist and intuitive consultant. He began teaching non-duality privately in 1994. As a devotee of Divine Mother Kali Ma, he emphasizes embracing life fully and completely in each precious moment just as it is. In his view, the RASA    is Grace from Divine Mother.


NOTE: Ramaji uses Zoom. He will contact you via your PayPal email to set up your session. Scheduling is 15 days ahead. This session focuses on your spiritual journey, how RASA works and how it can help you. You will get a full assessment of your LOC (Level of Consciousness) and what it means. Whether you continue your spiritual journey with the help of RASA or not, in this welcome session you will receive valuable personalized knowledge about where you are on your spiritual path. 



300 usd

returning student rasa  SESSIONS 


After one or more full live sessions along with approval of the teacher, the student can start receiving RASA twice a month. These online sessions are 60 minutes to 90 minutes long including a 15 minute RASA spiritual transmission in silence at the end. You are paying for and getting TWO sessions at this price.

400 usd

kundalini & chakra consultation

Many people have Kundalini experiences but few are able to assess Kundalini from the perspective of having completed the Kundalini process through the Crown chakra plus offering deep precise clairvoyance. Ramaji is able to see the location of Kundalini Shakti and energy blockages. Ramaji had a Kundalini awakening at the age of 16. This activated multiple siddhis (psychic abilities). He has lived with Kundalini ever since. This one of a kind session is TWO HOURS to THREE HOURS due to the profoundly personalized in-depth work required. It is highly recommended for people with Kundalini issues and symptoms. Ramaji offers original practical advice based on 50 years of experience working intimately with auras, chakras and Kundalini.


Ramaji can see aura, chakras, Kundalini, past lives and energy blocks. He is also a trained psychotherapist who is adept at using rapid therapy techniques. Ramaji’s first spiritual breakthrough was a Kundalini awakening as a teenager in 1966. He brings to your session more than 50 years of practical, psychological and spiritual wisdom. All Kundalini Coaching sessions conclude with RASA. The Kundalini Coaching Session is offered for people who need in-depth work on energetic blocks or other problems related to Kundalini and their awakening.. For most people, the Standard Zoom RASA Session is all they will ever need. If you have major Kundalini issues, please know in advance that you may need to book a Kundalini Coaching session. You can start with a Standard session, but fixing Kundalini blocks and imbalances requires a full scale evaluation of your chakras, chakra blocks and the location of your Kundalini, e.g. how high it has risen, what chakra it is at and if Kundalini has been deflected. Ramaji can see where the Kundalini has stopped rising in your chakra system. This usually means he also knows how it got stuck and what can be done about it.

350 usd

aura chakra health consultation

Immediately after Ramaji's Kundalini awakening at 16 years old he found himself inundated with people requesting clairvoyant health consultations. Ramaji has been doing this work as a "health intuitive" for more than 50 years. If you are drawn to work with him he will work out the chronology of your health issue and the emotional, circumstantial  and subtle body factors. Due to his obsession with precision and accuracy combined with years of rigorous training to be a top professional clairvoyant, he is able to see the chakras and aura clearly as well as energetic blockages including their location, shape and size. He will evaluate the efficiency of your chakras and give you original personalized practical techniques to boost and heal your chakras. At one time Ramaji struggled with poor health and low energy forcing him to create his own highly effective chakra healing solutions. These original methods are not available in any book or course. You will learn these powerful chakra boosting methods from him during this TWO HOUR to THREE HOUR in-depth consultation. Ramaji is not an energy healer. He helps you gain insights and techniques that you can use to improve your own health. 

350 usd

aura chakra clear money abundance manifestation blocks 

Ramaji has now opened up his Aura Chakra sessions to include personalized guidance for clearing energetic blocks to money, wealth, abundance and manifestation. Ramaji has independently researched the relationship between the aura and chakras and money, wealth, abundance and manifestation since the early 1990s. This includes a unique ongoing clairvoyant study of the auras and chakras of millionaires and billionaires. Up until now he has kept his knowledge to himself. He now feels it is time to share what he discovered. Ramaji is not putting this dangerously powerful knowledge in books or public videos. This knowledge will not be found in any course or training by any other teacher of energy clearing, law of attraction, manifestation, abundance etc. It is only available in this private session format. If you have struggled with blocks to money or manifestation, please understand that this information is original and new. Ramaji's guidance will be unique to you revealing the energetic blocks and other issues in your personal aura and chakras related to wealth, money, abundance and manifestation. These sessions are based on Ramaji's unique discoveries from 50+ years of clairvoyant observation. Ramaji's life-changing clairvoyant insights into your human energy field will be practical, results oriented and individual to you. This is a rare opportunity to work with one of the world's top clairvoyants with 50+ years of experience. Your session will be at least two hours. Please allow 3 hours for your consultation. 

350 usd

aura chakra loving relationships:
clear love blocks & cords, heal heart chakra

Have you noticed?  The "hot button" subjects of relationship, falling in and out of love, the deep lasting impact of divorce or breaking up with a partner, and sexual intimacy have pretty much been avoided by health intuitives, psychics and other clairvoyants! It's as if these subjects are taboo! Well, not for Ramaji. Prior to becoming a spiritual teacher of non-dual awakening, Ramaji was teaching Tantra for loving couples and wrote the bestselling book "Sexual Energy Ecstasy" published by Bantam. In addition to deeply exploring how the aura and chakras function in terms of money and abundance, Ramaji has also for decades been engaged in one of kind clairvoyant investigations into the energetic aspects of intimate relationships, romantic love, love blocks, the broken heart and sexual pleasure This aura chakra session will focus on clearing whatever is blocking an important relationship in your life, whether it is romantic or not. Ramaji is able to see blocks in the heart chakra and help you remove them. If you are struggling in a relationship, Ramaji will help you understand what is going on at a subtle energetic level. He can see these things and he knows how to remove them. For example, during or even after a breakup, there can be chakra cords that connect you. Ramaji has studied the aura chakra energetics of relationships for 40 years. He has kept his discoveries secret until now. No book or video on the Internet has this esoteric energetic knowledge. Nobody else is teaching this information. These are Ramaji's original insights based on observing the subtle energetic interactions of hundreds of people, couples and groups. Your session will last at least two hours. Please allow up to 3 hours for your consultation.

350 usd

guided mind laser self-healing session

This guided session is based on Ramaji's book available on called Heal Your Body, Free Your Mind. Ramaji received this powerful Vipassana (body sweeping style meditation) self-healing method from an American who studied with an enlightened Buddhist meditation master who lived in a cave in Myanmar (Burma). This potent technique is virtually unknown in the West. While it is impossible to predict results, everything from cancer to chronic pain to schizophrenia to arthritis have been quickly and effortlessly dissolved using this astonishing knowledge. Ramaji used it to eliminate debilitating back problems and joint pain. At the age of 74 he remains in good health, pain free, has plenty of energy, an excellent memory plus he goes on hikes every week in beautiful Sedona. This unique technique offers an original powerful fast way to deal with addiction as well. After this guided self-healing session, you will be able to work on and resolve virtually any physical, emotional or mental issue you may have. Not only that, you will also know how to guide others to perform their own self-healing action on their physical, mental or emotional issues. After this 2 hour training you will be able to guide others in this self-healing modality. This includes family (including children), friends and paying clients (if you wish). Remember, you are not healing them! You are teaching them how to use their own intuitive abilities, life force and concentrated focus.

300 usd

HOW TO Contact US

5385 Camino Santander

San Diego, CA 92130

​​Tel: 619-600-0125

s​atsangwithananda AT gmail DOT COM

satsangwithramaji AT gmail DOT COM

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TYPICAL RESULTS AND DISCLAIMER: The testimonials on this site are from real people. Your results may vary. The individuals who get the best results are typically at what we call "end of seeking." This means they are fully and totally available to receive the RASAtm spiritual transmission. Rasa Transmission International, Inc., Ramaji and Ananda Devi cannot and do not make any guarantees about your ability to get results from the RASAtm spiritual transmission. Nothing on this page or on our website is a promise or guarantee of results or benefits of any kind. We do not offer any legal, medical, psychological or other professional advice. For any such advice or help we recommend that you contact a licensed professional. Thank you for visiting. We wish you great success on your spiritual path!

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